
the beach.

a while back, i needed to get away.  this happens to me a lot (in peace corps and in life).  you feel it coming, the way you feel a cold about to attack (that tickle in the back of the throat) or the way you feel a rain storm hounding at the door (the certain heaviness in the air).  it feels like tiredness.  like a match burning down to the last bit of wood.  and it happens just about every two months on the dot.

you see, we all get caught up in our lives.  op, i've got a wedding this weekend and need to do laundry and i promised so and so that we'd get a coffee.  it's the same here (except it's more like, 'i promised so and so that we'd fly kites or have an enchilada and talk about the crops').  and i wait.  and wait.  until it becomes absolutely necessary to take a weekend or a saturday and GET OUT!  haha...

so a month ago rene and i took a day trip to the beach.  now, this was not a resort, crystal water, pina colada in hand, beach chair kind of beach.  but no matter, we hopped on some buses and in three hours were splashing in the waves...  the most scary, horrifying waves (seriously strong undertow).  but, it was beautiful and warm and there was something healing about the salty water drying sticky on my skin and the sand that i was finding in my hair days after we'd returned.

and it was just what i needed. 

take a break. 

you work too hard.