
So there's someone I would like you to meet!  This is super cheesy and frankly it's really weird but hey, its been six months and I thought you might like to see the boy in my life that inevitably pops up in conversation...

 This is RenĂ©.  He's pretty awesome, and I'll tell you why. 

He likes trees.  A. Lot.
He also likes mayonnaise. On just about everything.
He plays the piano. And the trumpet.  And the bass guitar.
He doesn't know how to be angry.
He always has a baseball hat handy.
He is extremely generous.  Even when he shouldn't be.
He has a pet turtle named Manito.
He doesn't like pictures.  
He never gets sick. Except when he eats raw onion.
He has two pairs of pointy cowboy boots.  
When he cleans his house, he cleans everything.  And I mean, everything.
He's really good with computers.  They listen to him.

RenĂ© is a 'forestal', which means he works in the mayor's office mapping and turning in projects to create and keep protected areas (forests) here in Zunil.  He's not from Zunil, and so his life is incredibly like that of a Peace Corps volunteer.  We met doing a eco wall project in one of my schools.  And bam.  

He's an incredible artist... Painted this for me on a Sunday afternoon

Alright, now that you've been introduced no need for awkward questions face to face, okay? haha


I have been a horrible blogger this month.  The good news is it's because I've been busy!

I had the opportunity to host a group of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in my site!  They came to Guatemala with the National Peace Corps Association and an organization called Discover Corps.  It was an incredible experience to hear their stories (most were volunteers in the 60s and 70s and served in different countries all over the world).  Together we completed a World Map Mural at one of my schools...  Here are some pictures:


Some things about Peace Corps never change!
The wall is painted and the map is drawn in pencil

The finished product (labeled!)
Talking with a RPCV who served in Nigeria!
Assigning kids country colors
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Credit for the photos to Erica of the National Peace Corps Association
See here for more pics

More posts to come this week!