
Life is good.  And by good I mean:  hard, happy, tiring, sad, fun, restful, stressful, really sad, painfully sad, inspiring, educational.  Life is good.

As you might guess, things have grown into a hairy jungle of events/obligations/chores/outings/responsibilities that most of you know as life but as a 24 year old, I am still getting used to this ´grown up´ concept. 

All of a sudden I am worried.  About?  Wrinkles.  Work.  Mouth wash.  My best friend´s mom.  My boyfriend´s mom.  My mom.  My family.  Colonoscopies.  Jobs.  My credit score. My dog´s rabies vaccine.  What I will eat for dinner.  Savings accounts.  Drinking too much coffee.  Sunscreen.  The 401k that I don’t have.  Dying on the chicken bus.   If my compost worms have enough to eat. 

No wonder my niece calls me ´crazy Aunt Sam´ (in a condescending 4 year old voice).  But honestly, it´s been a bit rough.  My doctor says it´s normal, a mid-twenties coming-of-age if you will.  I say, culture shock from returning from THE AMERICAN EXTRAVAGANZA OF 2013.  Who knows.  All I know is that I am mortal, and I can´t believe I´ve gone 24 years without flossing.  WHAT WAS I THINKING?  (answer: Obviously not about gingivitis. )

Life lately:  

Reading Fair with middle schoolers 

´Reading without reflecting is eating without digesting´

A tent at the Reading Fair

Bingo at the Reading Fair 

A man weaving thread to make the traditional skirt (corte)

´Future Journalists Workshop´  I led in Almolonga

My girls at the Garden of the Gods, CO

No caption necessary

If you haven`t seen it, you need to!

Awarding the winners of a drama contest in El Palmar

Acting as a way to promote reading!