Today I leave for the other half of my exciting year... I'll be in Argentina from now until July studying at Universidad Torcuato di Tella in Belgrano (a neighborhood in BA). Should be 'a great experience' as every seems to say when I tell them I'm studying abroad.
I'm pretty anxious about this trip and my transition, mainly because of the whole Spanish thing. I have taken Spanish for about seven years, but it's not the same as being immersed in the language and taking all my classes in Spanish. So, I'm anticipating a possibly rough entry, but hopefully after a month or so I'll be on top of it... For the next two weeks I'll be taking an intensive Spanish and culture class through the university in order to prepare me for my real classes.
The university does not have any housing so students are expected to take care of all their living arrangements. I was initially concerned, but one day I was talking to my oldest sister who is currently living in the UK. She and her husband have a friend there from BA and ironically his home church is in Belgrano. Soooo, he was able to hook me up with a place to stay and his sister agreed to pick me up at the airport! Amazing!
Well, I better finish packing... Looking forward to sharing this 'great experience' with you all!
p.s. got to see one last snow here in Cleveland before heading off to sun and 90s!
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