But, there is something to be said for looking at our own mortality. Today I went to the cemetery in Recoleta which is very well known (for unknown reasons). Most people know it as the final resting place of Eva (Evita) Peron, although frankly most people think of Eva and start singing Madonna therefore I tend not to trust the opinions of 'most people'. So, while visiting the cemetery was on my list of things to do here, I wasn't very excited about it.
But, I was delightfully surprised. This cemetery is built right in the city and is a concrete jungle of unique mausoleums and famous names. It is huge and while it is a big tourist attraction, it's big enough to not feel up to your neck in 'extranjeros' (foreigners). We just wandered around with no map, noting beautiful names, abstract designs, and strange coffins. And of course, I picked the one I would like to end up in (not pictured)...
After asking various workers, we found Alfonsin. He died in March and was the first democratic president in 1982 after 60 years of military led governments. Affectionately called 'The Father of Democracy', his presidency was the beginning of a new era of freedom in place of fear. He was well loved and well respected and the fresh flowers I found at his grave were a testament to that.
Here's to:
looking at life and appreciating it
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