“See how the lilies of the field grow… if that is how god clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you?”
There will always be a special place in my heart for you Lily. I remember the day your mom told me she was pregnant. I was the third person on the planet to know you were coming (first your mom, then dad, then me). I went jumping around my dorm in Nigeria. And now here we are, exactly nine months later, ready to finally meet.
There is something beautiful about babies that I never used to understand. And now that I’m older, I think I get it. A baby is everything untainted. It is innocent in all forms, dependent, it is humanity’s best shot at newness. Babies are sunrises. A beautiful sense of freshness. They are the day, before all of the mistakes. They are life, lived simply. And you Lily? You are about to be the first morning light that touches our faces.
By ‘our’ I am implying the family that you’ve been gifted. You’ll like us. And we’ll like you. (I mean there are a few whackos, but don’t worry, hopefully you’re genes will be alright). Everyone is so excited that you’re here. Especially Ben. I call him my boo. He’s your brother. And then of course there’s Nina and Papa, your grandparents. And then there’s Grami, your great grandmother. She’s really happy about you. I think when you get older (grams in her 80s now) there’s no greater joy than watching your family continue to grow. So just as Grami held your mommy, she’ll hold you. And no doubt, there will be tears. Then maybe, if you’re lucky, she’ll give you five dollars and a coke and double stuff Oreos. I mean, only if you make a good first impression.
It guts me that I won’t be there to see you right away. I’ll be by your side in 25 days. And we can play and cuddle and make funny faces all day long. I promise.
Okay, love. I just wanted to say hi. I just wanted to greet that soft morning light that made me open my eyes and faintly smile. Good morning Lily. I love you.
And I can’t wait to watch you grow….

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