
Now, where did we leave off?  Oh, that’s right, a 30 foot pine tree laying on the floor in my house…

Gotta love a guy with a machete
What a good looking tree!?
Does that branch look right?
The puppies!
Final product!

Eggshell santas!

You bought a wreath? Well, that´s lame

Wreaths for the whole family!

Merry Christmas!


It’s Christmastime!  Things aren’t quite the same here as in the US, no trees, no cookies, but instead there’s hot home-made fruit punch and twinkling Christmas lights that play music.  Here in Zunil people don’t ‘do gifts’, which I find kind of nice.  They’ll instead buy their children any clothing articles that they need, but no wrapping or anything like that.  It’s kind of refreshing but also sad, nothing like some fun knickknacks (and candy) in the old stocking.

I was a little depressed about not having a Christmas tree, some traditions die-hard, and I mentioned it to Rene.  There are some perks about dating a forest man!  Last Friday he and his minions (who look after the municipal forests) and I went to a pine tree estate and cut 16 down for the municipality and one for you know who.  I think that pictures tell the story better than words, enjoy!

Road up the mountain


The trees were legal

studs! (and 16 trees)

love this picture!

the tree in my house...

view from where we cut the tree

there she is!  30 footer

No fancy machine to tie her up

happy! (and cold)

tree graveyard

these  dudes wanted their picture taken

oversized load?  and that´s only half the trees

we almost didn´t make it!

Coming up next- How to fit a 30 foot tree in a house with 12 foot ceilings?!


‘These two lives I lead.  I hope that one day they lead to each other.’ –sb 12.11.12

Yesterday I wrote that in my journal.  It’s harder than it seems living here.  I love it.  In the same way I loved DC.  In the way that you love the life you build for yourself.

I love that the rooster in the dirt patio is still crowing.  At 11 am.

I love that my dog is cuddled up on my bed.  I love the early morning walks we take everyday.

I love my host brothers.  With their disheveled hair and makeshift soccer games.

I love what I do. 

But I hate thinking about what I gave up in order to have that.  The other life.  The one that has my family in it.  The one that understands me.

And when those lives merge, or at least interact for a bit, it really messes with me.  I get confused.  I wonder about what I want.  I wonder if what I want is what I really want.  I wonder if I made a huge mistake.  I wonder if it’s the first time I didn’t make a mistake.

So that’s where I am now.  ‘Somewhere in between’.  Modern vernacular: I’m in a funk.

Besides that, reentry has been busy.  I want to tell you about my host sister-in-law.  Her name is Cruz.  And she is fantastic.  She’s forty, wears traje, and has four sons.  That is, until last year.  As the story goes she and her second oldest went to the mountains to cut firewood.  When they were coming down the mountain she checked her phone and had about 10 missed calls from her husband, Juan.  Of course, she freaked out thinking that something had happened at the house or with her other sons.  When she called him, he said that all was fine but wanted to know when she’d be home.  Half an hour later she’s home and my host mom had cooked lunch, strange, thought Cruz.  Everyone kept saying that nothing was wrong, but she didn’t believe them, they were all acting strange. She called her oldest son over to her and was asking him what was going on (thinking that he had eloped while she was up in the mountain).  He sat by her and kept reassuring her that he was in fact not married.  Thank god, she said.  No one would tell her what was up, so she went to bathe in the baths of Zunil.  When she came back, the whole family was there and drinking hot chocolate (let me explain: hot chocolate is only for special occasions, like birthdays).  Now she was really peeved and demanded the truth. 

That was when Juan asked her if she would like another child.  She laughed and made a joke about her age and said that she was done.  She was done with washing all the baby clothes.  Done getting up in the middle of the night.  She was done.  So no, she would not like another child.  And then he made her an offer.

As it turns out, someone who knew Juan (and knew that he had four sons) thought that maybe their family would adopt a week old baby girl from Zunil.  So my host mom goes into another room and pulls out the most precious 8 day old baby and puts her in Cruz’s arms.  The deal was done, Cruz agreed to keep her.  And last Sunday we celebrated Maria Celeste’s first birthday!
Maria with her cakes!

My host mom (Laura) and I singing ¨happy birthday¨

It´s like a wedding, the birthday girl gets her face pushed into the cake

Cruz and Maria

Piñata time!  

Piñata is going DOWN!