
i love watching my mood change right before my eyes.
i was tired, irritated and sassy before i even stepped out the door this morning.
but my lebanese grandfather made my day.
and so
i'm making big plans
that involve law school.

i have some sort of sick obsession with listening to one song over and over for days, weeks even. i can't explain it and that's what makes it so freeing.

"she was the one to hold me
the night the sky fell down
and what was i thinking when the world didn't end"

thanksgiving was full. of love and food and laughs. just as it should be.

friendsgiving was beautifully cliche and madly us.

december is knocking and i'm running to open the door and twirl in the snowflakes.

sometimes it just feels so right to tell the people that mean something,
that they mean something.


i cannot tell you how much i loved this film...


it's the weekend. and it's november. and it's amazing.

i'm well rested and back to normal. and the sun is shining and everything is yellowish. and the leaves are crunchy.

i've had my morning mocha and i've been productive.

i'm working on research on the Iraqi Economic Sanctions and it makes me not believe in our government. they're just people i guess, but it seems to me, that they're pretty incompetent people. confession: i didn't vote. i'm exercising my right to disprove of democracy.

i just caught a glimpse of my goals for 2009 and i've got some work to do before jan. 1st!
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