

This weekend I was feeling a little under the weather.  Basically I wanted and needed to recharge.  So what does this Peace Corps volunteer do in the mountains of Guatemala?  She watched about 3 hours worth of TED talks (society and culture).  It is intense, because each talk points out something that we are doing or letting be done that needs to change.  Sometimes these things are internal (let's talk about vulnerablility) or societal (doctors make mistakes) or cultural (atheism needs to adapt).  The themes really are fascinating. 

But this talk by Bryan Stevenson blew me away.  He is without doubt the most articulate, intelligent, and compassionate human being I have ever seen.  Be a decent human being and hear what he's got to say...

1 comment:

Britta said...

I hate to leave this as a comment here but email me at bhansen@ucdavis.edu for more info.
Dear PCV,
My name is Britta Hansen and I work for a USAID horticulture program at the University of California Davis. http://hortcrsp.ucdavis.edu/ I am also an RPCV Bolivia and Liberia! I found your lovely blog and that is why I am contacting you. My organization HortCRSP is in the process of searching for small organizations who are working to improve fruit and vegetable production in Guatemala. Our program then funds time and travel for a graduate student in agronomy or horticulture from the US to work with the organization over the course of a year to solve a specific issues they are having in production, marketing, nutrition etc. I am attaching some additional information as well as a link to our website. Basically I know that PCVs are often the best source of information on the ground and I would love it if you would be able to distribute some of this information to an organization that you might know of or work with. I would be happy to answer any questions that you have via email, skype or phone.
Engaging U.S. graduate students in international development
The Trellis Fund provides small-scale, in-country development organizations access to U.S. graduate student expertise, providing benefit to both the student and the in-country institutions. With a focus on impact and expansion of locally proven ideas, the Trellis Fund matches the organizations with students and provides modest funds to support the organization’s farmer outreach program.
Proposals and applications
For organizations: Organizations in 18 developing countries are invited to identify a horticultural problem facing local farmers and the type of expertise they seek in a U.S. graduate student. The organization will submit a project proposal with their intended objectives, activities, gender program and a $2,000 budget by March 4, 2013 for consideration. Organizations that have not already been funded by Trellis will receive priority.