
Life is good.  And by good I mean:  hard, happy, tiring, sad, fun, restful, stressful, really sad, painfully sad, inspiring, educational.  Life is good.

As you might guess, things have grown into a hairy jungle of events/obligations/chores/outings/responsibilities that most of you know as life but as a 24 year old, I am still getting used to this ´grown up´ concept. 

All of a sudden I am worried.  About?  Wrinkles.  Work.  Mouth wash.  My best friend´s mom.  My boyfriend´s mom.  My mom.  My family.  Colonoscopies.  Jobs.  My credit score. My dog´s rabies vaccine.  What I will eat for dinner.  Savings accounts.  Drinking too much coffee.  Sunscreen.  The 401k that I don’t have.  Dying on the chicken bus.   If my compost worms have enough to eat. 

No wonder my niece calls me ´crazy Aunt Sam´ (in a condescending 4 year old voice).  But honestly, it´s been a bit rough.  My doctor says it´s normal, a mid-twenties coming-of-age if you will.  I say, culture shock from returning from THE AMERICAN EXTRAVAGANZA OF 2013.  Who knows.  All I know is that I am mortal, and I can´t believe I´ve gone 24 years without flossing.  WHAT WAS I THINKING?  (answer: Obviously not about gingivitis. )

Life lately:  

Reading Fair with middle schoolers 

´Reading without reflecting is eating without digesting´

A tent at the Reading Fair

Bingo at the Reading Fair 

A man weaving thread to make the traditional skirt (corte)

´Future Journalists Workshop´  I led in Almolonga

My girls at the Garden of the Gods, CO

No caption necessary

If you haven`t seen it, you need to!

Awarding the winners of a drama contest in El Palmar

Acting as a way to promote reading!


Katherine said...

yes! finally! i have been patiently waiting for a new post. :) love the pictures!!

also, as an aside, i have been worried my whole life about gingivitis and many other things that made me an anxious worrywart since day 1. and guess what? Nanny once had gingitivis at 85 and it was 100% reversible. being 24, i am now realizing, is not. <3

Anonymous said...

I miss you!!