
it's the weekend. and it's november. and it's amazing.

i'm well rested and back to normal. and the sun is shining and everything is yellowish. and the leaves are crunchy.

i've had my morning mocha and i've been productive.

i'm working on research on the Iraqi Economic Sanctions and it makes me not believe in our government. they're just people i guess, but it seems to me, that they're pretty incompetent people. confession: i didn't vote. i'm exercising my right to disprove of democracy.

i just caught a glimpse of my goals for 2009 and i've got some work to do before jan. 1st!
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love.kate. said...

i love that picture. oh and you too. how do you feel about greece someday soon?

Nancy Reed said...

If you are showing your disapproval of democracy, can you think of a way to make a bigger splash? It truly is the best option around. Too bad politics and money have so distorted it.
One of Thomas Jefferson's biggest concern about demacrocy was whether the voting public was smart enough to rule themselves. He may have been right. See you son.Counting the days. Now what day are you back, again?

Kof La Fo said...

Cool pic, how did you make that?