
rough week... but such is life. no matter where on the planet you make your life. and i guess i'm learning these things bit by bit. but at the end of the day, the heart of life is good.


1.) dog! her name is pia and she is a two year old mutt that eats meat and is completely content to sleep all day on my bed.

2.) work is a bummer. somehow i thought that this year would be easier. or rather that i would hit the ground running from where we finished last year. i. was. wrong.

3.) i may have broken the window on a bus. yeeaaahh...

4.) my wonderful aunt leslie came to visit last week! we had a fun time around almolonga and enjoying each other's company. i can't thank her enough for coming

for those thinking of coming- watch this video and you will be convinced!


1 comment:

Alvin said...

Nice cancion! Who can beat Tikal & chicken bus? High 5 for the broken window!